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Follow the live broadcast from Baku, Azerbaijan (from November 11 to November 22).

The COP29 IDFC Pavilion is a platform for our members and partners to showcase their ongoing projects and concrete deliverables, for the benefit of our members and development actors more broadly. This year, COP29 will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan.

The pavilion will host more than 20 events and 200 panelists over the course of two weeks.
On this website, you will find all the necessary information: agenda, speakers, livestreams, pavilion location, news, etc.
More information will be available in the coming weeks.


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Time zone : Asia / Baku (UTC+4)
12th November
5:00 pm 6:30 pm
Living up to Paris alignment commitments – towards higher collective ambition (MCI)
Paris alignment
Partner event

The objective is to allow supporting institutions to learn from each other’s respective experiences with Paris alignment and latest research on how to improve their Paris alignment.

13th November
11:00 am 12:30 am
How to implement effective and socially just carbon pricing (KfW)
Carbon market
IDFC member event

If it is done right can be an effictive and socially just policy tool. Private initiatives may complement by providing incentives for investors to engage in nature-based projects with clear outcomes. DFIs have an important role to play in such voluntary carbon markets.

13th November
1:00 pm 2:30 pm
Nature Finance is Climate Finance: Double Win for Two of the Most Serious Global Crises (KfW)
Climate Finance
IDFC member event

It is now recognised that climate change and biodiversity loss are deeply interlinked and need to be addressed together. This is particularly true because biodiversity is part of the solution to halt global warming. The event will examine the significance of biodiversity, the connex of the two and the role funding plays in countering nature loss as a means of climate mitigation. It also looks at possibilities to combine the two, with a view to maximise co-benefits and minimise trade-offs.

13th November
3:00 pm 4:30 pm
The role of development banks within the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on Climate Finance (KfW)
Climate Finance
IDFC member event

Joining forces to support the global development and transformation agenda.

Get the CEOs’ perspective on transforming leading development banks into sustainable and resilient institutions able to react quickly in the face of multiple crises, the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on Climate Finance and at the same time able enhance private capital mobilisation.


This session will look both into institutional transformation as well as into innovative product offerings enhancing resilience and driving transformation – in response to climate change as well as to the multiple other crises we’re currently facing.

13th November
5:00 pm 6:30 pm
IDFC high level event
High level event
13th November
6:30 pm 8:00 pm
IDFC Cocktail
Social Events
14th November
9:00 am 10:30 am
Climate financing: the challenges of improving resource deployment (BOAD)
Climate Finance
IDFC member event

The aim of this event is to share feedback on project implementation challenges to improve the deployment of GCF resources.

Panelists will present their different experiences and lessons learned from the implementation of projects financed by climate funds.

14th November
11:00 am 12:30 am
Next-Gen Climate Finance Enabling system change for climate and sustainability (AFD)
Climate Finance
IDFC member event

The event will interactively discuss all of the above and sketch next steps for the continuation of a whole-of-finance effort towards its systemic transformation for low carbon and resilient sustainable development.

14th November
1:00 pm 2:00 pm
Role of public development banks in supporting the operationalization of carbon credits mechanisms (AFD)
Carbon market
IDFC member event

This session will explore the operationalization of Article 6 of Paris Agreement, focusing on innovative market mechanisms that can enhance climate finance, including carbon credits. PDBs (Public Development Banks) as enablers can provide financial and technical support to foster Article 6 projects, acting as a bridge between government policy and private sector engagement.


The session will present frameworks and financial instruments (e.g. blended finance, loan guarantees) needed to support Article 6 implementation and the issuance of carbon credits. The discussion will also cover the co-benefits integration of sustainable development goals, transparency mechanisms and capacity building to ensure efficient and reliable carbon markets, based on practical examples of projects enabling and allowing the issuance of carbon credits and the inclusion of institutional framework for carbon markets.


14th November
2:30 pm 4:00 pm
Designing Alternative Development Pathways via Financial Systems A foresight journey (AFD)
Climate Finance
IDFC member event
14th November
4:30 pm 6:00 pm
Boosting the global energy transition (KfW)
IDFC member event

In a landmark moment for the global energy transition, the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) agreed to transition away from fossil fuels, triple renewable power and double energy efficiency by 2030.

What solutions can development banks provide to boost the global energy transition?

15th November
9:00 am 10:30 am
NDCs: At the end of Generation 2.0, what is the balance between ambitions and funding actually mobilized in the WAEMU region? (BOAD)
Climate Finance
IDFC member event

The main objective of the event is to review the objectives of the NDCs and the participation of BOAD and development stakeholders in financing these strategies for the WAEMU zone, in order to examine the level of resources actually mobilized in relation to the ambitions expressed.


The event will bring together political decision-makers, partner organizations coordinating the NDCs, climate experts, the private sector and civil society organizations keen to include their actions in the national NDCs.

15th November
11:00 am 12:30 am
Strengthening resilience: how PDBs and insurers can better combine expertise and tools to close the protection gap in the Global South (AFD)
Climate Finance
IDFC member event

Objective of this session is to discuss how PDBs and Insurers/ReInsurers can better combine their expertise and tools to strengthen resilience and contribute to close the protection gap in the global South.


The session, among others, could showcase (i) some de-risking solutions implemented by the insurance industry together with MDBs/PDBs, (ii) some default protection mechanism under implementation (such as the shock resilient loan solution put in place with BOAD/KFW and Munich Re), and (iii) the IDRIMA initiative (between IDF & AFD) to stimulate opportunities for adequate and comprehensive solutions offered to SOEs and PBDs.

15th November
2:00 pm 3:30 pm
Experiences of BOAD as an implementing entity of climate funds with a view to mobilizing resources for the loss and damage fund (BOAD)
Climate Finance
IDFC member event

The aim of this event is to review experiences of collaboration with other climate funds.

Panelists will present their different experiences and lessons learned in working with climate funds to mobilize resources through project implementation.

15th November
4:30 pm 5:30 pm
Financing a Just Transition: Accelerating Carbon Neutrality in Asia (JICA)
Carbon market
IDFC member event

This session aims to foster discussions on financing mechanisms to facilitate a just transition towards carbon neutrality, primarily in Asia. We will explore the concept and importance of a just transition, the current state and challenges of decarbonization in Asia, financing needs and opportunities, and case studies.

In this context, financing not only climate solution but also high-emitting sectors / Hard-to-Abate sectors is important in order to accelerate whole society decarbonization. Engagement with clients is also critical. Given the fast-growing economy in Asia, this discussion is crucial for the common goal of achieving the net-zero.

16th November
11:00 am 12:30 am
Leveraging international brands’ power over supply chains to accelerate the transformation of the economy (AFD)
IDFC member event

The objective is to share new insights on the nexus Trade & Development, in particular opportunities for PDB to design program in concertation with international brands and retailers.


16th November
2:00 pm 3:30 pm
Science and Technological innovations for the resilience of agroforestry ecosystems in West Africa: Dissemination of results on the spatial evolution of land use over the last two decades (BOAD)
IDFC member event

The aim of this event is to review the technologies dedicated to the spatial monitoring of land use in the context of the promotion of the AIC, and to disseminate the maps produced on the evolution of the agro-ecological zones of the five (05) countries in West Africa in the context of the Regional Project for the Promotion of Climate Intelligent Agriculture financed by the Adaptation Fund with the support of the BOAD, as the Accredited Entity and the collaboration.

16th November
4:30 pm 6:00 pm
Financing a Just Energy Transition: Exploring the Role of Development Banks and Country Platforms (IDFC Facility)
IDFC Climate Facility

The objective of this event is to examine the scale of financing required for a just transition in the power sector, using Mexico—where reliance on unabated fossil gas is significant—as a case study. The session will also explore the challenges development banks face in providing transition finance and their role in innovative solutions, such as country platforms, to scale up financing and improve coordination among key stakeholders.

18th November
11:30 am 12:30 am
Financing Resilient Infrastructure (CAF)
Climate Finance
IDFC member event

The side events focus on exploring innovative financing mechanisms for climate-resilient infrastructure development. It will bring together policymakers, investors, development banks, and experts from around the world to discuss the challenges and opportunities in financing sustainable infrastructure projects. Key topics will include public-private partnerships, green bonds, blended finance, and climate-smart investments. It aims to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the development of concrete strategies to accelerate the transition to a more resilient and sustainable future.

18th November
2:00 pm 3:30 pm
Robust tracking methodologies and their relationship with DFI transparency and accountability (IDFC Facility)
IDFC Climate Facility

Rigorous standards of consistency, transparency, and accountability in the tracking of green finance are vital for IDFC members as they strive to amplify their green investments. IDFC members contributed over a third of global public climate finance in 2021/2022 and have provided more than USD 1.5 trillion since the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015.


As members look to further expand their mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity financing, the Common Principles provide a framework for high integrity tracking. Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) has been working with the IDFC to develop materials to deepen members’ understanding of the principles of climate finance tracking, streamline their tracking processes through tools such as decision trees, and address related challenges.


This event will build on the meetings, workshops and publications that have flowed from this capacity building partnership and will create space for a wider discussion on the following:

1. The importance of robust tracking methodologies and their relationship with DFI transparency and accountability

2. Lessons learned from early efforts to integrate Common Principles into IDFC member tracking

3. Future areas for methodology improvement

18th November
4:00 pm 5:30 pm
Nature-Positive Infrastructure for Climate Change Resilience (DBSA)
Biodiversity / Nature
IDFC member event

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, with far-reaching consequences for human societies and natural ecosystems, including infrastructure development. As the world works to reach climate and sustainability goals for every global citizen, the need for essential infrastructure services continues to grow.


Infrastructure development is a critical component of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies especially in the context of ensuring that such infrastructure is sustainable. However, traditional infrastructure development often neglects the importance of natural ecosystems and their role in supporting human well-being and climate resilience.


This session will explore how sustainable and nature-positive approaches to infrastructure development can deliver long-term economic, social and environmental benefits, and contribute to climate and nature action.

19th November
11:00 am 12:30 pm
Forum on Building Climate-Resilient Economies: Synergistic Partnerships to Support Vulnerable Groups (CABEI)
Climate Finance
IDFC member event

The event entitled “Forum on Building Climate-Resilient Economies: Synergistic Partnerships to Support Vulnerable Groups” has as its main objective to promote climate-resilient economies through the creation of synergistic partnerships and innovative approaches. It focuses on how financial and technological tools can support vulnerable communities in the face of climate change.

19th November
2:00 pm 3:30 pm
The role of standards and taxonomies in mobilizing green finance (CAF)
Climate Finance
IDFC member event

The discussion intends to assess the links between (i) defining criteria for eligible green finance assets, by means of standards and taxonomies and (ii) actual mobilization of financial flows that are consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions, climate-resilient development and conservation of ecosystems.

19th November
4:00 pm 5:30 pm
Supporting climate risk management practices: how financial institutions go beyond disclosure (MCI)
Partner event

Financial institutions are important players towards resilience against climate impacts through the integration of climate-related risks into their frameworks and strategies. This event intends to: i) highlight recent findings on climate risk management relevant to financial institutions, ii) foster experience sharing on how financial institutions can work together for better climate risk management, and iii) support the identification of financial instruments that adapt to the risks financial institutions’ counterparties might be facing.


This event will ultimately help financial institutions better contribute to addressing global climate risks, target their assistance to increase resilience in local economies, going further beyond risk disclosure.

20th November
2:00 pm 3:30 pm
National development banks’ Urban Climate Action (IDFC Facility)
IDFC Climate Facility

Cities generate around 70% of the global greenhouse gas emissions and are highly vulnerable to climate change. National development banks (NDBs) are well positioned to support cities’ climate-smart infrastructure projects – they often have long-standing relationships with local public and private sectors, can provide local currency funding at attractive financial rates and usually also offer support in the form of guarantees or grants for technical assistance.


Each of the below mentioned banks, will be invited present the efforts that they are making in order to systematically improve their institutional readiness for financing and advising on urban low-carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure with the objective to increase their financing commitments with climate benefits, thereby unlocking further financing from a range of local/international private and public sources.


The exchange between NDBs in international fora with diverse stakeholders is crucial to foster change at scale. Additional PDBs (eg. FiCS members) from other than the 5 emerging economies participating in the NUCA programme are also likely to gain from knowledge exchange if their circumstances and challenges regarding urban climate finance are similar to the ones encountered by the panelists.

20th November
4:00 pm 5:30 pm
Maximising PDBs’ climate impact through financial intermediation (MCI)
Climate Finance
Partner event

The objective of the session is to present the latest research from think tanks and international organizations on the potential role of financial intermediation in achieving the Paris Agreement objectives.

21st November
3:30 pm 5:00 pm
Nature and Climate Change Adaptation in Public Development Banks (IDFC Facility)
Biodiversity / Nature
IDFC Climate Facility

This session will explore how public development banks (PDBs) can play a pivotal role in financing and supporting nature-based solutions (NbS) for climate change adaptation. Over 90 minutes, panelists from PDBs will discuss the parallels between financing NbS and climate change adaptation as well as strategies to align financial flows with Article 2.1(c) of the Paris Agreement.

Participants will also identify and discuss enabling factors that can scale up investments in NbS for climate resilience like policy adjustments that enhance the role of PDBs and public-private partnerships.

21st November
5:30 pm 7:00 pm
Building Capacity of Public Development Banks to Mainstream Climate (IDFC Facility)
Climate Finance
IDFC Climate Facility

This session will explore how public development banks (PDBs) are integrating climate considerations from their strategic level to their operations. The goal is to mainstream climate into the financing of operations within countries at the sub-national level into economic activities and in doing so, contribute to the global climate mitigation and adaptation objectives.

Throwback to our previous editions

Since COP26 in Glasgow, IDFC and its Facility participated to the conferences and offered members a dedicated pavilion to showcase their work and improvements towards climate.

Discover our previous editions
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