
“From Pandemic to Recovery” Online Conference hosted by VEB on the way to FIC Summit !

10 September 2020

The First Event in preparation of the FIC Summit to highlight the role of Development Banks in a Sustainable & Resilient Global Recovery

View the full conference online


On the 9th of September 2020 the National Development Corporation of Russia (VEB.RF) and the IDFC organized an Online Conference “From Pandemic to Recovery” aligned with the First Global Summit of Public Development Banks “Finance in Common” that will take place in Paris on the 110h-12th of November, 2020.

Being planned at the height of the global socio-economic crisis, the Conference aimed to highlight the significant role of development banks in searching the right balance between short-term incentives and long-term vision supporting national economies in this turbulent period.

High level représentatives from the UN system, including UN Secretary General, Antonio Gutteres and Deputy SG, Amina Mohamed, from the Multilateral Development Banks, the Regional association of DFIs such as ALIDE & ADFIAP, IDFC Chairperson & French Development Agency CEO, Rémy Rioux and IDFC CEOs including the host of the event Igor Shuvalov, VEB Chairman, the recently appointed CEO of the Development and Investment Bank of Turkey (TSKB) , Ece Börü, but also the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) CEO, Patrick Dlamini and Islamic Corporation for the Development of Private Sector (ICD) CEO, Ayman Sejiny participated in this important event. The Development banks join forces to respond to the effects of the pandemic in its urgency while foreseeing long-term and sustainable solutions its socioeconomic consequences and the underlying environmental crisis. In other words, finance SDGs and leave no one behind.

This first event is the first step to the FIC Summit, hosted by the Paris Peace Forum in November, to have the chance to rethink our common need and build together new forms of prosperity that take care of the living (people and planet) in a resilient manner, with Alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals as a fundamental guide.