Rigorous standards of consistency, transparency, and accountability in the tracking of green finance are vital for IDFC members as they strive to amplify their green investments. IDFC members contributed over a third of global public climate finance in 2021/2022 and have provided more than USD 1.5 trillion since the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015.
As members look to further expand their mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity financing, the Common Principles provide a framework for high integrity tracking. Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) has been working with the IDFC to develop materials to deepen members’ understanding of the principles of climate finance tracking, streamline their tracking processes through tools such as decision trees, and address related challenges.
This event will build on the meetings, workshops and publications that have flowed from this capacity building partnership and will create space for a wider discussion on the following:
1. The importance of robust tracking methodologies and their relationship with DFI transparency and accountability
2. Lessons learned from early efforts to integrate Common Principles into IDFC member tracking
3. Future areas for methodology improvement