Conference: The Contribution of National Development Banks to Low-Carbon, Climate-Resilient Development

Estimates suggest that trillions of dollars would be required to reach countries’ climate goals. National Development Banks (NDBs) can play an important role in addressing countries’ climate financing gaps. The collective scale of NDB assets (over $11 trillion) significantly exceeds that of the multilateral system, and their financing activities represent 10 percent of global investments annually, making them well placed to mobilize investment in green projects and low-carbon infrastructure. Hence, NDBs are receiving renewed interest as a policy tool for rapid action in countercyclical lending and financing the sustainable development goals – in particular climate related ones. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the World Bank’s ongoing research which aims to take stock of current trends and recommend policy actions for “greening” NDBs. The workshop will also invite leading NDBs in the field to showcase good practices. The workshop is co-organized with Agence Française de Développement

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