Generation Equality Forum: Mexico City


The Generation Equality Forum is scheduled to kick off in Mexico City during the first half of 2021 (dates to be announced), as an intergenerational and intersectional global gathering for gender equality, convened by UN Women and co-chaired by the governments of Mexico and France, in partnership with civil society.
Approximately 2,500 people from all over the world, mostly from feminist organizations and movements, will gather to celebrate the power of activism, feminist solidarity and youth leadership to achieve transformative change, in addition to developing joint strategies for advancing gender equality.

This event has three specific objectives:

  • Preparation of Action Coalitions
  • Development of a multilateral feminist strategy to propose and promote accelerated changes towards gender equality in the coming years.
  • Formation of a multilateral alliance of countries to promote the gender equality agenda

The Generation Equality Forum in Mexico City includes a series of meetings that will address the structural and systemic obstacles that prevent achieving true gender equality and guaranteeing the exercise of the human rights of women and girls globally.

This event presents a historic opportunity to promote the full implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, in the context of the 25th anniversary of the framework, which is aligned with the feminist foreign policy that the Government of Mexico promotes.
More information will be released shortly for the registration of participants on this website, as well as additional details of the event.

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