Generation Equality Forum: Paris

The Generation Equality Forum is scheduled to be held, for its second part after Mexico, in Paris, France from 30th June up to July 2nd , as an intergenerational and intersectional global gathering for gender equality, convened by UN Women and co-chaired by the governments of Mexico and France, in partnership with civil society.

Approximately 2,500 people from all over the world, mostly from feminist organizations and movements, will gather to celebrate the power of activism, feminist solidarity and youth leadership to achieve transformative change, in addition to developing joint strategies for advancing gender equality.

This event has three specific objectives:

  • Preparation of Action Coalitions
  • Development of a multilateral feminist strategy to propose and promote accelerated changes towards gender equality in the coming years.
  • Formation of a multilateral alliance of countries to promote the gender equality agenda

Attended by Heads of State, the Paris Forum will convene Governments, international organizations, civil society, youth, the private sector and activists from the entire world to make concrete, ambitious and sustainable commitments towards achieving gender equality. The Forum will also galvanize a multi-stakeholder ecosystem to advance gender equality to ensure sustainability and accountability.

The work of the Generation Equality Forum in Paris aligns to the priority given by France towards equality between women and men, as an important cause carried by the current presidential mandate. France has adopted a feminist-oriented diplomacy approach based on its 2018–2022 International Strategy for Gender Equality. This has already been given concrete expression during the French presidency of the G7 through several multi-stakeholder initiatives including the Biarritz Partnership which galvanizes members to adopt and implement progressive legislative frameworks for gender equality.

More information available at :Generation Equality Forum: Paris | Generation Equality Forum