IDFC & Natixis CIB presentation of the PDBs catalytic role in achieving the SDGs study

While 2030 is looming, countries remain far from reaching the quantitative targets set in the 2030 Agenda. To maximize their chance, they need the support of an overarching “SDG alignment ecosystem”. In this regard, Public Development Banks (PDBs) can play a catalytic role. Nevertheless, they cannot strictly be aligned per se to the SDGs, nor more than a company, because the 2030 Agenda is a framework designed by and for countries. Is the notion of “alignment” so easily transposable to the multidimensional nature of the 2030 Agenda? How can PDBs act as alignment catalyzers or enablers?

The IDFC & Natixis CIB are delighted to invite you to the presentation of the results of the study framing the notion of SDG alignment from the perspective of Public Development Banks:

PDB’s catalytic role in achieving the UN SDGs


First part  – 50 min

  • Background on the study
  • Overview and conclusions of the study
  • Presentation of some concepts & tools :
    • Integration trackers, SAAU Framework, SART

Second part – 50 min

  • Testimonies from various stakeholders: PDB, MDB, sovereign, investor, civil society

Third part  – Q&A 20 min

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