IDFC Knowledge Library

The IDFC Knowledge Library is a resource center gathering 142 operational and strategic publications, tools, guidances as well as training materials produced by the Club’s Working Group, its partners and Climate Facility.
142 results :
IDFC Perspective on Development Finance - Booklet
State of play of IDFC ongoing works, new members and upcoming events
Release date : 2015
Author : IDFC
Category : Booklet
International Event
IDFC key messages - International Conference on Financing for Development - Addis Abeba July 2015
Key messages for the third International Conference on Financing for Development to be held in Addis Abeba from 13 to 16 July 2015
Release date : 2015
Author : IDFC
Category : Press Release
Development Banks Agree Common Approach to Measure Climate Finance
The world’s leading devpt finance institutions have taken an important step forward in tracking more consistently the flows of finance that help countries and people deal with the effects of climate change
Release date : 2015
Author : IDFC
Category : Common Principles
International Event
IDFC at "Financing for Development“ Conference in Addis Abeba- July 2015
Alongside the intergovernmental Conference on Development Finance in Addis Ababa, the IDFC is hosting a side event on the topic “The future role and contribution of Development Banks to finance SDGs”
Release date : 2015
Author : IDFC
Category : Press Release
2015 IDFC MDB Common Principles Mitigation Finance Tracking
The purpose of these Common Principles for Climate Mitigation Finance Tracking is to set out agreed climate change mitigation finance tracking principles for development finance
Release date : 2015
Author : IDFC
Category : Common Principles
Common Principles for Climate Change Adaptation Finance Tracking - 2015
MDBs and IDFC agreed outline principles to define the context of adaptation finance in development and lay the base for further joint work (...)
Release date : 2015
Author : IDFC
Category : Common Principles
International Event
IDFC Climate Finance Forum 2015 : Major Development Finance Institutions Advance on Adaptation Metrics
“Making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development” is one of the overarching objectives of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
Release date : 2015
Author : IDFC
Category : Paper
International Event
IDFC Climate Finance Forum 2015: Public/Private Leveraged Climate Investments Towards Common Approaches
ublic funds are key to address climate change issues, and are also pivotal to mobilize and scale up the necessary co-investment by private entities, ranging from philanthropists to institutional investors.
Release date : 2015
Author : IDFC
Category : Common Principles